Nitschmann neighbors: No interest in selling

“On Tuesday morning, after 18 years in her dream home, Donna read in the newspaper that Bethlehem Area School District is talking about buying properties on her block to make way for the new Nitschmann Middle School.

She promptly called the district office and replied in no uncertain terms.
“I let them know that I was not selling my home,” she said.

One day after some school directors suggested the district explore the possibility of buying eight homes on Union Boulevard between Ninth and 10th avenues, the Strobels and three other property owners said they have no plans to sell.

“I would probably flat out say no,” said DJ Seibert, who moved to the block eight years ago with his wife, Ethel.
“I’m not interested,” added
Debbie Fernandes, who’s lived in her home for 24 years.
The district is in the planning stage of building a new $53 million Nitschmann Middle School on the athletic fields behind the current school at Eighth Avenue and Union Boulevard. Nitschmann has a prominent presence at that corner now, but the new school will be a football field away, with its front entrance hidden behind the row of homes.

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Clark, Adam. The Morning Call 20 August 2013.