‘First it’s my property, next is yours’

“SHSU made their intentions to obtain the land bought by Maalouf Properties, which houses the former Army Reserve Building, by whatever means necessary including eminent domain.

Donna Pinon founded VOLT PAC, Voters for Lower Taxes Political Action Committee, two weeks ago and recently stated that the PAC is behind business owner Tarek Maalouf in the conflict. Pinon also represents Maalouf in other land purchase decisions.

She compares the potential land grab to the Trans-Texas Corridor that was heavily debated last year that would have required significant eminent domain action.

“This would be an unprecedented use by the university from what we’ve seen,” Pinon said. “The goal is to curtail SHSU from using eminent domain.” – See more at: http://itemonline.com/local/x789509646/-First-it-s-my-property-next-is-yours#sthash.d6IxOArA.dpuf”

read the entire article

Huntsville Item 20 August 2013.