County seeks bids for airport attorney

“Commissioner of Economic Development Ken Flood relayed the request to supervisors to hire the unknown firm at a cost of up to $50,000 this week, though that was eventually reduced to $25,000, and on Thursday was approved to be sent out for bid.

The firm was recommended by C&S Companies, the Syracuse-based consultants who advise the county on its operations and have been paid approximately $170,000 since 2012 to do so.

The company has called the he county to take part of the golf course property by eminent domain.

C&S also developed the county’s 2003 master plan to acquire the neighboring golf course property and clear six acres of trees.
The county’s $629,000 offer to the owners of the golf course for about 16 acres of property plus easements have been rejected.”

read the entire article

Mayberg, Nathan. Register Star 26 July 2013.