Neighbors United continues to fight Ameren

“Neighbors United is the locally formed grassroots organization that is opposing Ameren’s Mark Twain Transmission Project.

When the group first formed in mid-August, fewer then 20 people were in attendance at meetings to learn more about the proposed high-voltage transmission line.

Since then, the group has grown to about 200 dissatisfied landowners who will be impacted by the project in Adair, Schuyler, Knox and Shelby counties.

“Their is a group of us who have come together, just everyday citizens and we call ourselves Neighbors United,” said Beth Campbell, a group spokeswoman. “We are here to help some other folks who are being affected by the transmission line to give them alternate information then what Ameren is passing out.””

read the entire article

Hoak, Ashley. Heartland Connection 2 December 2014.