Energy necessary, but at what and whose cost?

“Many talk of Dominion’s Atlantic Coast Pipeline, and we should debate its necessity in meeting our energy needs.

Some, however, would falsely claim, “Without the utilization of eminent domain such projects would never be realized due to its prohibitive cost.” Dominion’s utilization of eminent domain will merely transfer the costs of the ACP. The only question is, “Who will bear the cost of the ACP?”

Those condoning the utilization of eminent domain, which seems Dominion’s current plan, believe it acceptable that an unfortunate minority bare the significant financial, psychological, and ecological price of the ACP while Dominion reaps a financial windfall in the billions of dollars. Do the ends truly justify the means?

The ACP could be built using free market principles and respecting property rights while avoiding the government-sanctioned theft of private property. This, however, would require paying a fair market price for those rights Dominion intends to seize from local residents.”

read the entire article

News Leader 2 December 2014.