What is Tax Increment Financing? with Randal O’Toole from CATO Institute
Tax-increment financing (TIF) is an increasingly popular way for cities to promote economic development. TIF works by allowing cities to use the property, sales, and other taxes collected from new developments — taxes that would…
Downtown’s new neighborhood: Arapahoe Square
“On a project-by-project basis, DURA can use TIF to help close the financing gap between what a private developer can fund and the actual cost needed to complete a project by utilizing the incremental new…
Allard measure bars taking land for Piñon site
Allard measure bars taking land for Piñon site The Associated Press. The Denver Post 11 September 2011.
Denver City Council approves Arapahoe Square Redevelopment Plan
“Though the council ensured the approved plan authorizes the use of tax increment financing, no tax increment area was set for the 93-acre site. Individual projects will be brought forward and, upon approval from DURA…