Hopewell Valley residents pour out questions, concerns during meeting with pipeline company

“Area residents questioned PennEast pipeline officials on the environment, safety and eminent domain during a special township committee meeting Tuesday night.

For more than three hours, residents of Hopewell Township, Hopewell Borough and Pennington brought their questions and concerns to officials from PennEast Pipeline Co., which has proposed a 30-inch wide natural gas pipeline that would impact Hopewell Valley.

“I want to know why now we have decided to go forward with this project and how much of this will eventually be exported?” asked Felicity Toto of Pennington.

PennEast officials said that 84 percent of the gas would go to New Jersey customers.

“I was not aware that there was any shortage of natural gas in New Jersey,” Toto said.

She also asked if the partner companies involved in the project have ever actually changed their routes based on resident concerns.”

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McGrath, Brendan. NJ.com 23 September 2014.