Beaufort couple to lose house through eminent domain

“Two years ago, Karen and Richard Koenig didn’t want to sell and move out of the home they had lived in for half a century.

Now, they no longer have a choice.

According to a letter from the company the city of Beaufort hired to buy land needed for its Boundary Street renovation project, the Koenigs have until Sept. 29 to move out of 2413 Boundary St.

“We didn’t want to leave our home; that’s where we’ve been for 50 years,” Karen Koenig said.

City attorney Tom Holloway said he’s received a request from the Koenigs’ attorney, Mike Macloskie, to delay that date. That could be negotiated, but the condemnation and seizure of the property will proceed.

Attempts Friday to reach Macloskie for comment were unsuccessful.

The land is needed for a road project by the city and Beaufort County, expected to begin in early 2015. Boundary Street will be redeveloped between Robert Smalls Parkway and Ribaut Road, and a parallel road will be constructed to the north to help traffic flow, according to plans.

That parallel road will go north from Robert Smalls Parkway, through where KFC is, and turn west where the Koenigs’ home now sits. It will connect to Polk Street. Holloway said he is working on a settlement with attorneys for the KFC property.”

read the entire article

Moody, Erin. 14 September 2014.