Eminent Domain Suggested For Costco Stalemate

“As both sides dig in for what could be a bruising debate over tax breaks for Costco, council President Michael Trueworthy is floating a new idea: Using the power of eminent domain.

Trueworthy on Tuesday suggested the city might use legal force to resolve the dispute between the Costco’s real estate adviser and the landlord for the adjacent Target store on Hartford Road.

Trueworthy’s idea comes two days after James Basile, co-owner of the Target property, told the common council that Costco hasn’t been willing to negotiate a shared use of the long entrance drive to Target.

In an email to Basile, Trueworthy said he is investigating whether the city can use eminent domain to acquire the access road to Target. The city could then work out a way to widen and improve the road so Target and Costco could share it.”

read the entire article

Stacom, Don. The Courant 22 July 2014.

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