Trustees may exercise eminent domain on Wesley Foundation

“The UCA Board of Trustees unanimously passed a request for authorization to proceed with eminent domain on the campus’ Wesley Foundation located at 2302 Bruce St.

The property, which would be used for the Lewis Science Center expansion project, was appraised in May for $460,000, according to the board’s action agenda. The board also offered the campus ministry a temporary location and an optional lease on another piece of university property.

After requesting a more detailed outline of the temporary facility and optional lease, the Wesley Foundation declined the university’s offer of $460,000 in a letter dated June 27 and proposed a counter offer of $595,000.

According to the agenda, President Tom Courtway declined to pay more than $460,000 for the property in a July 2 letter. The Wesley Foundation again refused, but lowered the price to $575,000.

Both Courtway and General Counsel Warren Readnour both said they hope to reach an agreement with the campus ministry before eminent domain can be exercised by the university.

The board also unanimously passed to acquire the adjacent property at 315 Western Ave., owned by the Greenbrier Missionary Baptist Association. The property was appraised for $310,000, which both parties agreed upon.”

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DuVall, Austin. The Echo 22 July 2014.