Pipelines and Power Lines

“WHETHER IT’S PIPELINES OR POWER LINES BEING AIMED AT a route across your land, be engaged in the routing process early, get professional legal help with the negotiations and consider some non-monetary options in the easement agreement. Those were just 3 of several points made by attorneys Zach Brady and Tom Zabel at the Private Property Rights Town Hall, part of the 2014 Cattle Raisers Convention in April.

In the June issue, we presented the first half of the Town Hall discussion in the article “Everyone’s Drought.” This month, we present part of the discussion on eminent domain.

Attorneys Zach Brady and Tom Zabel joined moderator Jim Malewitz, energy reporter for the Texas Tribune, on the stage for the discussion. The Town Hall was sponsored by Hargrove Ranch Insurance.

“Our country’s energy boom has spurred a need for more pipelines and power transmission lines,” Malewitz said. “They need to go somewhere and that reality has prompted negotiations and certainly conflicts between landowners and pipeline and transmission company operators,” he began, introducing Brady and Zabel.

Brady is a founding partner of Brady and Hamilton LLP, Lubbock. He specializes in agricultural law with a focus on real property litigation including eminent domain and water rights. Zabel, partner with Zabel Freemen, Houston, is an attorney and petroleum engineer and has more than 26 years of experience. His clients include major and independent oil and gas companies, service companies, pipeline companies and individuals.”

read the entire article

Brisendine, Ellen. Insurance News.net 18 July 2014.