Hello from Connecticut: 9 Year Anniversary of Kelo Decision

“This week marks the nine-year anniversary of the Kelo v. City of New London decision. Since I’ve been practicing as an eminent domain attorney, Kelo is unquestionably the most well-known and stirring court opinion, creating widespread reform to the use of eminent domain across the country — even on the opposite coast in California. Last time I checked, about 45 states had passed some sort of eminent domain reform in response to the Kelo decision.

If you’re interested in learning more about the Kelo decision, stay tuned for the film Little Pink House, which is being produced in cooperation with the Institute for Justice. The movie is expected to start production early next year. You can find out more about the film on our colleagues’ blogs, such as Robert Thomas’ inversecondemnation.com and Ilya Somin’s volokhconspiracy.com. “

read the entire article

Kuhn, Brad. California Eminent Domain Report 24 June 2014.