White gives green light to sewer upgrades

“White City Manager Jane Richards told the city council that the planned citywide sewer system upgrade was on schedule with all but two easements from property owners secured. Richards said the two holdout properties could be acquired by eminent domain, the power of a municipality to take private property for public use.

The project, which has been in the works for the last two years, is funded by a loan from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) coupled with a grant from the Georgia Environmental Finance Authority (GEFA). GEFA provided the grant — similar to a residential housing construction loan — to finance the planning and construction of the sewer system. When the construction is complete, the USDA will provide the long-term financing.

The USDA also required White to sign 140 new customers for the system. Those additional customers, along with commercial customers such as Toyo Tires and area subdivisions, should generate enough revenue from fees to pay off the loan.

One of the property owners, Josh Martin, who faces seizure of his property, addressed the council with his concerns.”

read the entire article

McGahee, Neil. THe Daily Tribune News 3 June 2014.