Rail authority’s use of eminent domain an abuse of power

“The state agency’s push to build a statewide $68 billion bullet-train network has stalled because of court rulings that the project has an illegal business plan, primarily because of grossly inadequate long-term funding. Those rulings — which prevent billions of dollars in state funds from being used for initial construction — are now being reviewed on an expedited basis by a state appeals court. Before taking any consequential action, the responsible thing for the state government to do is resolve the legal issues.

Instead, the authority continues to buy up land in the Central Valley for the initial segment of the rail line — and if property owners don’t want to sell, officials are using the state’s eminent domain power to force them to do so.

So far, a state board has given the rail agency clearance to seize 10 parcels. Authority officials have also taken initial steps to potentially seize as many as 166 more parcels.”

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Editorial Board. UT San Diego 21 March 2014.