Mayor, vice mayor face challengers on May 6 election

“A property dispute that started simmering 14 years ago will play out at the ballot box May 6 when Frank Ottofaro Jr. faces George Wallace to determine who will serve as mayor for the remainder of a term that expires in June 2016.

The Ottofaro family and Wallace began openly feuding in 2000 when the city used eminent domain — Wallace was city manager at the time — to take the Ottofaro family property along Pine Chapel Road for the Power Plant at Hampton Roads project.

For 12 years, Frank Ottofaro Sr. attended City Council meetings seeking an explanation as to why his property was needed by the city and why neighbors received disproportionately more money for their properties. The case was used to influence the state’s eminent domain laws.”

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Brauchle, Robert. Daily Press 6 March 2014.