Readington should drop Solberg fight

“The Readington Township Committee has misled the public in an effort to garner support for their failed political agenda. Through their taxpayer-funded public relations campaign, they have misrepresented to Readington residents the purpose and intent of the eminent domain statute, making believe that if you don’t like a business or what a business can become, you can condemn it. Established case law shows that the courts will rule against a party using eminent domain for a pretext.

Township Committee members have publicly stated that they would stop improvements of Solberg Airport by any means necessary. In the past, our township was decorated with “no jets” signs. After incurring numerous legal setbacks, the township has changed strategies and has recently switched the stated purpose for proposed condemnation, characterizing it as an attempt to “preserve” the airport. Does the Township Committee really think that the courts are going to believe their new stated purpose?”

read the entire article

Central 10 February 2014.