Eminent Domain Battle Over Hurricane Sandy Brewing On Long Island

“Eminent domain powers are being exercised by Long Island officials to force the closure of a store owned by World War II veteran Frank Whitney. Village of Saltaire, New York is reportedly preventing the Whitney family from rebuilding their own grocery store, which was damaged during Hurricane Sandy, so the municipality can resell the land.

Frank Whitney has been unable to garner the permits necessary to repair and reopen his 25-year-old Long Island grocery store. The World War II veteran and his sons Chip and Scott, told Fox News that the village wants to control the property. Whitney contends that local officials are manipulating the building permit approval process to the town’s own advantage. If the store damaged during Hurricane Sandy cannot be repaired, the Village of Saltaire can condemn the property and ultimately seize it, through eminent domain.”

read the entire article

Inquisitr 28 January 2014.