Bloomfield Headed For Eminent Domain Property Purchase

“The town council has approved the use of eminent domain in an effort to purchase a piece of private property.

The property in question is about 7 acres at 30 Southwood Drive. The town is seeking to purchase the property in order to expand the department of public works facility at the south end of the street.

Town Manager Phil Schenck said the town needs more room for storage and also needs to replace fuel tanks and relocate its fueling station at the facility.

The town council has approved the use of eminent domain in an effort to purchase a piece of private property.

The property in question is about 7 acres at 30 Southwood Drive. The town is seeking to purchase the property in order to expand the department of public works facility at the south end of the street.

Town Manager Phil Schenck said the town needs more room for storage and also needs to replace fuel tanks and relocate its fueling station at the facility.”

read the entire article

Goode, Steven. Courant 30 October 2013.