Read this before signing easement

“Landowners contacted by Bluegrass Pipeline Partners LLC or the Williams Company about selling an easement across their property for the construction of a 24-inch pressurized natural gas liquids pipeline have questions about whether granting an easement is in their interest.

The products that will be transported are natural gas liquids, not the natural gas used to heat our homes. The liquids are a mixture of hydrocarbons that are flammable and combustible, can contaminate land and groundwater, and pose an asphyxiation risk if the pipeline leaks.

Landowners are wise to consult an attorney, insurance agent, mortgage holder, and tax preparer, because granting an easement may affect the value and insurability of property, tax liability for payments received, and mortgage holder’s interests.

The easement language you may be asked to sign was written to benefit the pipeline company, and will likely not contain conditions that strictly limit the rights granted. Here are some provisions to consider:

■ Limiting the number, size, and pressure of pipelines that can be constructed and the product that may be transported.

Read more here:”

read the entire article

Geoghegan, Terry and Tom FitzGerarld. 16 October2013.