Manchester Agrees To Use Eminent Domain, If Necessary

“The board of directors voted Tuesday to strengthen the town’s hand in negotiations meant to move forward with development of the town-owned side of the Manchester Parkade.

The vote gives the redevelopment agency the ability to aquire property at 296 Broad St. by eminent domain if that becomes necessary.

The town owns an 18-acre site where a blighted, vacant shopping plaza had stood for two decades off Broad Street. The problem has been an impasse in yearlong negotiations with the owner of 296 Broad, a neighboring 3.86-acre vacant parcel.

Town officials and and the owner of that parcel, Leon Charney, who also owns the active side of the Manchester Parkade off West Middle Turnpike, have disagreed about a decades-old easement agreement that has been interpreted as giving property owners the ability to dictate the size and location of any development on neighboring parcels.”

read the entire article

Leavenworth, Jesse. THe Hartford Courant 8 October 2013.