TARA holds regional airport meeting in Pella

“The group Taxpayers Against Regional Airport held an informational meeting at the Pella Community Center Wednesday evening to give their views on the regional airport.
The South Central Regional Airport Agency has chosen a site for a joint Pella-Oskaloosa airport that is capable of handling Category C aircraft. A Category C airport has a 5,500-foot runway with room to expand up to 7,000 feet. The airport would have the ability to provide precision approach landings, which the current Pella airport is incapable of doing. A Category C aircraft using the facility has a 79 foot wingspan and a passenger capacity of six to 12 people.

The proposed joint Oskaloosa-Pella regional airport is a sensitive issue for many, especially landowners and farmers in the Leighton area.

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Nollen, Duane. The Oskaloosa Herald 12 July 2013.