The question of eminent domain Airport Authority had option in Owens land deal

“Lingering questions remain over the sale of a 10-acre tract belonging to Rutherford County Commission Chairman Julius Owens to the Rutherford County Airport Authority for $300,000.

The sale was spurred by a tree on the property — located at 154 Goshen Road — that impede a federally-required glide slope ratio for aircraft landing on the runway at the airport.

The Airport Authority entered into an agreement Monday to purchase the land and buildings for $300,000 despite the fact the property was independently appraised at $168,000.

Additionally, according to county tax documents, the land and buildings held a tax value of $108,400.

The main question is why did the Airport Authority purchase the property rather than institute eminent domain and condemn the property in order to remove the trees in question?”

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Clark, Mathew. The Daily Courier 30 June 2013.