Nelson County Residents Cite Environmental, Safety Concerns With Proposed Pipeline

“Marion Bischoff lives in Bardstown, and says he’s already been approached by land agents wanting to survey his land. He hasn’t given them permission, but was incredulous that the company’s compensation would seem adequate to anyone.

“The question I’ve got for the pipeline people is what in the world is in it for the landowner other than devaluing the value of the property when you come through?” he asked. “Their property’s going to be worthless. Period. Get paid a little money for something that you don’t want. And if it’s eminent domain, that is absolute B.S. Period.”

Tom FitzGerald of the Kentucky Resources Council also spoke, pointing out that natural gas liquids have relatively little oversight, compared to natural gas pipelines. Natural gas pipelines fall under the Natural Gas Act, while the NGL pipelines are regulated by the Interstate Commerce Act. FitzGerald says his organization is asking the Army Corps of Engineers to do a comprehensive environmental impact statement for the Bluegrass Pipeline, and could take them to court if they refuse.

A group called the Bluegrass Pipeline Blockade has also sprung up to oppose the pipeline.”

read the entire article

Peterson, Erica. WFPL News 18 June 2013.