Eminent domain case against City of Canandaigua back in court

“A case to determine whether or not a former lakefront property owner received just compensation following the city of Canandaigua’s decision to use eminent domain will return to Ontario County Court at 9 a.m. Monday, April 15.

The city paid Dan Homik of Cazenovia, Madison County, $1.7 million in 2010, according to its legal advisor Michele Smith. The payment was made following a 2009 decision in which the city instituted eminent domain — the right of a government to take private property for public use, with payment of compensation — to acquire a 5.4-acre parcel property at 215 Lakeshore Drive from Homik. The parcel is to the east of the Steamboat Landing site at 205 Lakeshore Drive.”

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Pukos, Steve. Channel 10 News 14 April 2013.