MP Candidates Battle On Eminent Domain Use

“”While Steve claims he is against the use of eminent domain, he deliberately downplayed the fact that the village of Mt. Prospect has attempted to use this underhanded tactic to obtain a commercial property (Ye Olde Town Inn) in the village as late as 2007,” Arriaza said.

A YouTube video of the Mar. 9 meeting showed a resident asking Polit, Arriaza, and challenger John Dyslin what their opinions were on the use of eminent domain. Polit said Mt. Prospect has used eminent domain twice to acquire properties since 1990. He said both times, the property owners wanted to sell their land to receive tax benefits.

“Otherwise, Mt. Prospect has never used eminent domain to take any property in Mt. Prospect, so I am against it,” Polit told the crowd that day.

“I have to disagree with you, Steve,” Arriaza replied. “Ye Olde Town Inn is a prime example of eminent domain abuse. We have spent over $923,000 to try and take that property and now we are in a RICO lawsuit that may now cost another $500,000. I believe personally in private property rights and we should not use eminent domain to take private property from one private owner to give to another.””

read the entire article

Mayer, Richard. Journal Online 15 March 2013.