Laurens Co. seeks to block eminent domain for Upstate pipeline construction

“Laurens County Council voted unanimously Tuesday night to urge government regulators and representatives to deny a private company the right to use eminent domain to acquire easements for the construction of a natural-gas pipeline.

Landowners who stand to be affected by the project spoke in opposition to the plan after a presentation from Keith Windle, the general manager of Dominion Carolina Gas Transmission, which is pursuing the 55-mile pipeline from Spartanburg County to Greenwood County.

Dominion has reached agreements with about 60-percent of the easements required for the project, according company spokesperson Kristen Beckham, and authorization for the use of eminent domain in acquiring the rest could be granted by state and federal officials if the project is deemed in the best interest of the public.”

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Burns, Michael. The State 24 January 2017.