Eminent domain gets the OK so St. Louis can try to keep spy agency

“Aldermen on Friday approved an extensive list of properties enabling the city to begin eminent domain proceedings in an effort to lure the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency.

The board voted 19-5 for the resolution, which simply lists properties that can be subject to eminent domain, including a large number owned by controversial developer Paul McKee. The board had already granted the city general eminent domain authority for the 100-acre area near Cass Avenue and 20th Street.

The city has been unable to reach an agreement with a handful of property owners in the area. Some want to stay. The city has even offered to physically move their houses in the eminent domain process.

The city says it will continue to negotiate with property owners, but will take the eminent domain action if necessary.

Aldermen argued over the resolution on Friday. Some wanted to approve the eminent domain authority on a case-by-case basis — not all at once. Still, the resolution passed with a significant majority.

About 40 percent of the 100-acre zone is owned by business entities of McKee. The city once owned some of those properties before selling them to McKee for his Northside Regeneration project.”

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Pisstor, Nicholas. St. Louis Post Dispatch 23 October 2015.