Boston will not use eminent domain to build an Olympic stadium [updated with clarification]

“….. Unfortunately, some other cities continue to condemn property to build sports stadiums, even though studies by experts across the political spectrum almost uniformly show that public subsidization of sports stadiums harms local economies more than it benefits them. I am a big sports fan myself. But professional sports teams should pay for their own stadiums, and acquire the land they need to build them by buying it from willing sellers.

UPDATE: It is important to note that the mayor’s opposition to the use of eminent domain does not definitively resolve the issue. The Olympic organizers could potentially succeed in passing “omnibus” state legislation creating an entity with the power to use eminent domain to build Olympic facilities. However, if the Mayor and the local Democratic Party power structure is opposed to the use of eminent domain, the likelihood that it will occur is greatly diminished.”

read the entire article

Somin, Ilya. The Washington Post 31 January 2015.