Saugerties holds off on anti-pipeline resolution

“The Town Board got an earful from opponents of a proposed oil pipeline, but decided against passing a resolution to oppose the project until it receives more information.

Sue Rosenberg of Citizens Against Pilgrim Pipeline delivered an anti-pipeline petition to the board signed by 100 Saugerties residents at the Jan. 21 meeting.

Pilgrim proposes building two parallel pipelines that would run from Albany to New Jersey, mostly along the Thruway right-of-way but partly through private property. One line would carry North Dakota Bakken crude, an especially volatile form that is a product of hydrofracturing, or fracking, to a Linden, New Jersey refinery. The other would carry refined petroleum products back to the Port of Albany for distribution.

Read an opinion piece from Pilgrim Pipeline defending the safety of modern pipelines.

Read opinion piece urging opposition to the pipeline.

“We know that this board is equally concerned about the safety of the town and its environment,” said Rosenberg. “And this is why we’re asking you to consider this resolution which I have sent to you.”

New Paltz, Rosendale, Woodstock, Rhinebeck and the city of Kingston have passed similar resolutions, and Plattekill, Esopus and the Ulster County Legislature are considering following suit. In New Jersey, 30 towns and the state Assembly have also passed anti-pipeline resolutions.”

read the entire article

Henderson, Nick. Saugertues Times 29 January 2015.