Update: South End Business Will Sell to CCTA

“Officials at the Chittenden County Transportation Authority say it needs more room for a growing fleet of buses. More than a year ago, it expressed interest in buying property adjacent to its current garage on Industrial Parkway. Negotiations with Ryan Brothers Electric went nowhere. The family that owns the company, which has been in business for three decades, didn’t want to leave its home in Burlington’s South End.

So CCTA went to court in November 2013, seeking to take the Ryan’s property by eminent domain. CCTA, which is chartered by the legislature as a municipality, invoked a little-used law designed to allow the state to seize farmland to construct the interstate highway system.

Michael Ryan, who runs the electric company, asked a judge to throw out CCTA’s eminent domain petition.”

read the entire article

Davis. Vermont Independent Voice 24 December 2014.