Perimeter road parcels in litigation

“The perimeter road project plans may be close to completion, but there are several landowners in the proposed road’s path that believe that their parcels are worth more than the county has appraised them for.

Last week, Suwannee County officials stated that only one parcel was left to acquire for perimeter road use. Blake Gaylord, an attorney with Tampa-based law firm Gaylord, Merlin, Ludovici and Diaz, is representing five parcels in the perimeter road project and told the Democrat that they are not settled yet.
“The county acquired titles to these parcels by filing eminent domain lawsuits, but the issue of full compensation for the property owners has not been settled,” said Gaylord.
According to Florida law, property owners who have their land taken by eminent domain are to be compensated for the value of their land, improvements on the land, and damages to the remaining property caused by the taking.”

read the entire article

Vann, Amber. Suwanee Democrat 5 November 2014.