Deerfield seeks legislation requiring pipeline

“The Select Board wants legislation requiring the Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co. or any other pipeline company to pay “royalties” on exported natural gas to landowners whose property has been taken by eminent domain for the pipeline — on grounds that such land-takings are allowed “for the greater good” of the community.

The board voted Monday night to send state Rep. Stephen Kulik, D-Worthington, and state Sen. Stanley Rosenberg, D-Amherst, a one-page proposed law “designed to properly compensate property owners” whose land has been taken “for the Construction of Fracked Gas Transportation for Export.”

Select Board Chairwoman Carolyn Ness said Tuesday eminent domain is a practice that should be used only when the land-taking is for a greater good — not for the transport of exported natural gas that is leaving the country primarily for profit. She said Deerfield is the first town to consider such legislation.

“The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission only regulates gas from state to state; there is no regulation on exported gas,” she said. “The whole point of this is to get a fair estimate of how much gas for export will be coming through.”

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Broncaccio, Diane. Recorder 16 December 2014.