Neighbors United continue Ameren fight in Schuyler County

“Neighbors United is continuing its fight against Ameren Transmission Company of Illinois.

Members of the grassroots organization spoke of their opposition about the Mark Twain Transmission Project at a meeting held in Schuyler County, Monday night. Members of the organization say they like to hold meetings in each county that will be impacted by the project.

Although 200 people from the surrounding counties attend the meetings, Neighbors United is always looking for more landowners to join the fight against Ameren. New faces attended the meeting held Monday, and those individuals were welcomed by current members of the organization.

A public relations official for the organization told KTVO that the biggest key for fighting Ameren is just getting the word out and getting more people involved in the fight.

“This affects not just the landowners that the line goes through, but if this private utility company is able to claim eminent domain then that sets a precedent for other companies to come in to anyone’s property in Missouri and claim eminent domain, and take their property,” Margaret Wilson of Neighbors United told KTVO’s Ashley Hoak.”

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Hoak, Ashley. KHQA TV 9 December 2014.