City taking steps to take Gastineau Apartments by eminent domain

“The City and Borough of Juneau is taking steps to seize the burned out Gastineau Apartments by eminent domain, and turn the building into affordable housing.

The Juneau Assembly on Monday gave the city’s Law Department the go ahead to draft a memorandum of agreement with the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation.

The agreement will outline the city’s plans for the vacant building. City Attorney Amy Mead says if it is taken by eminent domain, the city will need to spell out some public purpose in the agreement.

“In this case I think we’re focusing on affordable housing,” said Mead, adding “that can have some component of commercial use.”

If the city does seize the property, AHFC could provide financing for a private developer to come in and renovate the building, which is uninhabitable.”

read the entire article and watch the video newscast

Kelly, Casey. KTOO 9 December 2014.