EDITORIAL: Icebergs of Ignorance, Part Three
“I counted about 100 people in the audience at last night’s Pagosa Springs Town Council meeting at the Ross Aragon Community Center, one of the largest turnouts I’ve seen for a regular Council meeting…
Hall hopes to improve rundown areas by purchasing vacant property
“Hall County officials are considering creating a new agency that aims to revitalize tax-foreclosed, vacant and abandoned property. But there are concerns about granting the agency too much power. Counties and municipalities across the nation…
Looking to FAA to pay for land at airport
“Paying for acreage the county has acquired through an eminent domain lawsuit could come from federal dollars. It is now in the hands of the Federal Aviation Administration how much, if any at all, it…
Colorado Springs to seek $82 million in state rebates for projects to attract tourists
“Colorado Springs is going after $82 million in state sales tax dollars to build the four projects that city leaders believe would transform the city and have a profound effect on development, Mayor Steve Bach…
Denver loses sales-tax revenue to online retailers, suburbs
“Out of the 41 large super centers, or large format warehouse retailers in metro Denver, there are only seven within the city limits, the EPS study shows. There are only four home improvement centers in…