Tax increment financing not bringing in more jobs or income, says analysis
“Tax increment financing (TIF) is a popular but ineffective economic development tool for Hoosier communities, and it needs more stringent state oversight, says a new policy brief from Ball State University. “Some Economic Effects of…
Reevaluating Eminent Domain’s Benefits Necessary for Economic Success
“The Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution requires government to provide “just compensation” to private individuals in return for taking private property for public use. This doesn’t address whether it is it right to take…
Ballyhooed report on transit development lands with a thud
“Last fall, the city was so excited to have a team of experts from IBM advising it on how to encourage development around new light-rail stations that it kicked off their work with a ceremony…
RTD Transit Oriented Development 2012 Status Report
“Planning is still underway on the Welton Corridor Pilot Project. The Five Points Business District (FPBD) built off the work of the Urban Land Institute in 2011 and developed a series of development scenarios for…