Lawmakers propose ‘Homeowners’ Bill of Rights’
” Dave Meixner purchased property on the northern shores of Lake Pepin in the pursuit of his art. The nature photographer saw the potential for the perfect outdoor studio. Now he and his land are…
Philadelphia Artist Defeats Eminent Domain Land Grab, Will Keep His Studio
“James Dupree, a world-renowned artist, has battled the City of Philadelphia for nearly two years to save his studio from a government land grab. Using the power of eminent domain, the city wanted to bulldoze…
Time to Fix Eminent Domain
“After a long fight with the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority (PRA), the artist last week learned that he can keep his studio in the Mantua section of the city. The fight began back in 2012 when…
Time to Fix Eminent Domain
“After a long fight with the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority (PRA), the artist last week learned that he can keep his studio in the Mantua section of the city. The fight began back in 2012 when…
Artist James Dupree fends off eminent domain effort by Philadelphia City Hall
“The Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority still wants to build a grocery store in the city’s Mantua neighborhood, but it won’t be taking James Dupree’s art studio to do it. The PRA on Thursday relented on its…
West Philly artist won’t lose studio as city drops eminent domain proposal for supermarket
“Artist James Dupree has won the fight of his life. Since late 2012, he’s been fighting to keep his studio and 9,000-square-foot property at 3617 Haverford St. — which is colorfully painted on the façade…