Using Eminent Domain for Pipelines? That’s Right of Way Done Wrong
“New York is a no-fracking zone—and many landowners are even losing money on gas flowing from other states. But outside of Albany, many farmers and landowners have welcomed the revenues that have come with the…
Fracking, Eminent Domain, and the Need for Legal Reform in North Carolina: The Gap Left by the Clean Energy and Economic Security Act
“North Carolina’s current eminent domain regime grants natural gas producers broad authority to take private property, particularly for the construction of pipelines. However, it is unclear whether such authority will extend to other hydraulic fracturing…
No Person Shall Be Deprived of Life, Liberty or Property… Unless the Oil and Gas Industry Says So
“The state legislature of North Carolina recently legalized fracking. Yet, what some residents may not know is that North Carolina’s eminent domain law allows some private entities to take private property for certain uses. This…