Longwood expresses regret over Massive Resistance

“Saying it is time to “reckon honestly and sincerely with our own history,” Longwood University has apologized for its actions during Massive Resistance in Prince Edward County and has established a new scholarship program to help make amends.

The university’s board of visitors Saturday adopted a resolution expressing regret for failing to provide leadership during the civil rights era and for causing “real and lasting offense and pain to our community” by using eminent domain to facilitate campus expansion.

“While many individual members of the Longwood community spoke and acted bravely in support of the inarguable principle of equal protection under the law and educational opportunity for all, as an institution Longwood failed to stand up publicly for these ideals, resulting in support to those who opposed desegregation, and falling short in its duty to provide strong moral leadership in the community,” the resolution states.”

read the entire article

Kapsidelis, Karin. TImes Dispatch 16 September 2014.