Jamaica board could resort to eminent domain
“The Selectboard put its foot down on two issues explored during previous meetings.
After several discussions with Town Hall abutter Ralph Smith, board members felt it was time to give him a deadline. If he chooses not to allow for an easement that will also give him an option to connect to a new well, the board will likely get an easement through eminent domain and drill a well in a different location.
“It’s been over two weeks now since we’ve presented him with the easement to have the well put on his land,” said Selectboard member Judy Flower. “And from what I heard, he has been going to different people questioning whether it is a good thing. So evidently, he’s still struggling with this proposal. So one of my concerns is this could drag on and on and on as it has already.”
If Smith does not agree to the proposal by the next board meeting scheduled for Aug. 25, the board will decide on another course of action that will likely include using a portion of the property that Smith will not be able to connect to.
Town attorney Paul Gillies had confirmed the town had the right to use eminent domain to get an easement in order to get the drilling done. Board members felt that by giving Smith an option to connect to the new well, both parties could be satisfied.”
Mays, Chris. Battleboro Reformer 13 August 2014.