Full Steam Ahead for Eminen Domain Actions after High Speed Rail Authority Negotiations End in Impasse

“The State Public Works Board (the “Board”) adopted four Resolutions of Necessity approving the High-Speed Rail Authority’s (the “Authority”) use of eminent domain for public necessity to acquire four parcels in Fresno and Madera County for the Initial Operating Segment of the High-Speed Rail Project (the “Project”). (Click HERE for map of Initial Operating Segment.) In addition, the Board approved the Authority’s selection of 158 parcels in Fresno and Kings County for future acquisition for the Project. The Authority has already commenced work for the first segment in Fresno County, demolishing buildings and clearing parcels within the alignment. However, some of the Authority’s negotiations with private property owners along the alignment have been unsuccessful and resulted in the Authority’s request to the Board to authorize its use of eminent domain to acquire these properties. “

read the entire article

Cho, Juliet. JDSupra Business Advisor 18 August 2014.