Supervisors move closer to eminent domain use for airport project

“Warren County supervisors are a step closer to using eminent domain to take property around the county airport from a landowner, despite new concerns raised Friday by opponents of a plan to extend the airport’s main runway.

The county Board of Supervisors Facilities Committee voted to forward the project to the full Board of Supervisors after finding that taking the property and forcing easements on it was necessary to control potential obstructions at the south end of the runway.

The county is in the process of annexing 4 acres and getting an avigation easement over another 80 acres Victor Macri owns between the airport and Quaker Road. The annexation process began in April, after the breakdown of negotiations between the county and Macri, a developer who owns a construction company.

Macri wants to develop the land, and believes the easements will limit his ability to use it. He turned down a $327,000 offer of compensation, and county officials said Friday he is seeking more than $1 million.

Friday’s action came after a meeting at which opponents to the $8 million runway extension renewed their objections, this time questioning the need for the property seizure. A public hearing on the issue last month also brought out opponents.”

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Lehman, Don. 23 August 2014.