State considers more condemnations for Valley high-speed rail route

“Five more properties in Fresno are set for possible condemnation by the state Public Works Board to make way for California’s high-speed rail project.

Meeting Friday in Sacramento in the state Capitol, the board will consider resolutions declaring the need to use eminent domain to acquire the sites. The most notable is the Jensen & Pilegard feed and equipment store on G Street between Fresno and Tulare streets in downtown Fresno.

Both the Jensen & Pilegard store and a neighboring warehouse to the north sit where the California High-Speed Rail Authority expects to build a passenger station for its San Francisco-Los Angeles bullet-train network.

Also up for a vote by the Public Works Board are a small vacant lot at the corner of Ventura and F streets, and two sites in the northwest part of the city, near Golden State Boulevard north of Shaw Avenue.”

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Sheehan, Tim. The Fresno Bee 11 September 2014.