North York moves ahead with eminent domain proceedings

“North York Borough Council decided Tuesday to move forward with eminent domain proceedings to acquire a property that houses the borough’s sewer pump station.

Council voted 6-0 to approve the ordinance regarding the property at 219A and 219B Pump Street. Vivian Amspacher, council president, was absent from the meeting.

The ordinance states that council “has determined it is in the best interest of the Borough to acquire the property … for purposes of housing equipment and supplies necessary to operate a sanitary sewer pump station.”

Council Vice President Richard Shank explained after the meeting that the borough previously owned the property at 219A and 219B, which he said are one parcel.

Years ago, the borough sold the property, but had a written agreement with the new owner that gave the borough access to the outside of the garage so the borough could operate the sewer pump station, Shank said.

The borough has only needed access to the outside of the building since then, Shank said. But the borough’s generator is starting to fail, and the new generator the borough purchased cannot be installed outside, Shank said.”

read the entire article

Kessler, Brandie. YDR Local News 8 July 2014.