Use of eminent domain could save GovGuam from penalties

“A bill to get the last property needed to move forward with the Pigua bridge project in Merizo could prevent the government from facing fines.

During a public hearing for the bill yesterday, the Department of Public Works voiced its support for Bill 355, authored by Sen. Tom Ada, D-Tamuning, which would give the agency authorization to use eminent domain, or the authority to condemn the 240 square meters of private land that’s needed for the Pigua bridge reconstruction.

The use of eminent domain is cited in Guam law as the condemnation of private property, especially land, and is an action of last resort, but must be exercised when the project will be beneficial to the community.

The government will need to take 240 square meters from the late Ignacio Cruz.”

read the entire article

Sabian, Jerick. Guam PDN 26 June 2014.