Sunoco Pipeline is leaving a trail of litigation

“In October, Kevin Clancy received a puzzling visit from a representative of Sunoco Pipeline L.P. at his house on Marydell Drive in East Goshen.

The representative, who worked for an engineering firm hired by Sunoco, wanted to survey Clancy’s property. The company was considering building a pipeline at the rear of Clancy’s suburban lot, next to an existing pipeline it operated beneath Boot Road.

Clancy, who had commissioned a title search on the property a few months earlier when his family bought the house, was unaware of any pipeline easement. He declined to sign.

Thus ensued an exchange of certified letters with Sunoco’s attorneys, and Clancy ended up before a Chester County judge in March. Sunoco argued that it has the right to survey and potentially obtain an easement to his land because, as a public utility in Pennsylvania, it has eminent-domain authority.

“Sunoco is one of 10 places I can get gasoline for my car,” said Clancy, a mechanical engineer. “It’s not a public utility.””

read the entire article

Maykuth, Andrew. 5 May 2014.