Why There Is Interest in Bringing Back Redevelopment

“A few weeks ago, Public CEO published an article by William R. Maurer, an attorney for the Institute for Justice; a firm that defends against eminent domain abuse. In his commentary, Mr. Maurer blames former redevelopment agencies for just about everything that is wrong with government; most notably was his assertion that redevelopment was the root cause of rampant “eminent domain abuses” as well as “severely undermining the state’s fiscal stability.” He was wrong!

Let’s start with the basics: The demise of redevelopment agencies will not stop the use of eminent domain. In short, a city doesn’t need a redevelopment agency to exercise their right to use eminent domain. Mr. Maurer paints a singular picture of cities that take a “jack boot” approach to eminent domain; landing forcefully on small businesses or homes, seizing property, and leaving occupants sitting on their suitcases outside in the cold, destitute and without hope. Again, he couldn’t be more wrong!

Many cities, including my own, have standing policies that discourage the use of eminent domain. However, larger cities that have depressed areas, high crime rates, and absentee landlords that charge exorbitant rent for run-down, vermin infested neighborhoods, do use eminent domain. Other cities use eminent domain to rid their areas of ugly, unsafe, and unsightly “brownfields.””

read the entire article

Public CEO 29 April 2014.