Property owner’s letter to LASD addresses eminent domain

“Attorneys for the Pear family, which owns land in Mountain View leased to Target, recently wrote a letter to the Los Altos School District requesting that it not use eminent domain to acquire its property to build a school. After receiving no response, the family’s law firm sent the letter to the media last week.

The letter states that the family, which resides on a portion of the property on Showers Drive, has no intention to sell the land and would not support a bond measure that would allow the district to invoke eminent domain to secure a school site. Eminent domain is the power given to a public entity to seize private property.

School district trustees are considering placing a $150 million bond measure on the November ballot in hopes of adding another public school to accommodate enrollment growth.

“The power of eminent domain – effectively to deprive citizens of their homes and property – is one of the most significant powers that the government has, and should be used only when the public use is clearly defined and agreed upon by the community, and no alternative exists,” the letter states. “Here, there are many alternatives available, including renovation and more efficient use of existing facilities as well as use of facilities already owned by the district and leased to others.””

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Newell, Traci. Los Altos Town Crier 21 May 2014.

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