Man Short-Circuits Bloomfield Eminent Domain Proceedings — For Now

“Harry Sawyer is hotly opposed to the town’s decision to take his property by eminent domain, so much so that instead of taking the town’s offer, he sold the property for $1.

Sawyer bought 7 acres adjacent to the public works garage last September for $99,000, according to town records.

The town had been negotiating, unsuccessfully, to buy the property from its previous owner to be used for a future garage expansion.

Town officials said the previous owner, Charlie Smith, wanted $160,000 for the land, while the town was offering between $30,000 and $50,000. The owner reduced his asking price to $125,000, but the town wouldn’t budge, and Smith sold the property to Sawyer.”

read the entire article

Goode, Steven. The Courant 23 May 2014.