Village of Deferiet to invoke eminent domain for joint water project

“The village Board of Trustees unanimously agreed Wednesday to initiate eminent domain proceedings against 12 hold-outs to the joint water project with the village of Herrings.

The $4 million joint water project, begun in 2006, is needed because the aging systems in both villages are deteriorating and there is contamination of Herrings water from the former Crown Cleaners property.

Phase one was completed in 2012 with the upgrade of two well houses in Deferiet. Phase two will install a shared water tower, run a water main between the two villages and upgrade the mains in each village.

However, standing in the way of the project’s completion are a dozen homeowners, some of whom purportedly live along Route 3 and will not be included in the connection to the new water service.”

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Avallone, Elaine. Watertown Daily TImes 7 June 2014.